
BY PASTOR Rev. Abraham Daip

October 31, 2020

BY PASTOR By Rev Abraham Daip

December 25, 2020

BY PASTOR Rev Abraham Daip

December 31, 2020

Here is the list of our upcoming events for the year ending and we hope to see you all there. Due to Coronavirus, we may not hold some of these events at the expected venues but in any case we shall communicate any change of event, both the venue and time, during our virtual Sunday Services. Given how devastating this year has been, we encourage our congregation to keep in touch, pray for one another and seek spiritual guidance.

A word from the Scripture.

The Holy Ghost is a divine power, sent to indwell {John.14:16-17}, guide, teach and empower believers, and to convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement {John 16:7-11:1Cor.2:10-12}.

We wish you and your families the very best through these Coronavirus pandemic hard times. May God bless you, your family and friends, and stay safe in the Lord Almighty.