Church Constitution


Article 1

The name This Society shall be called South Sudan Christians Fellowship                           

Article (2) Purpose

1-The church, as guided by Holy Ghost {John16:13), shall proclaim the Gospel to win the lost to Christ ;assemble for prayer , spiritual fellowship ,preach and teach the whole truth of God; administer the sacraments in accordance with the scriptures: maintain a testimony of Godliness and good works in the community; stand for the biblical Faith; prepare men and woman of faith to the gospel ministry. Exercise Biblical discipline; discipleship, spiritual growth; and any other ministry the church deems necessary {Luke19:10; John 20:31; 2Tim.2:15 3:16-17}.

2- The Church shall strive to promote and encourage Christian’s principles among Church believers. 

3- The Church shall be committed to follow the compassionate example of Jesus Christ and transform the society through integrated evangelism and social activities.

4-The Church shall provide theological training to pastors, evangelists, as well as committed and talented individual for the future leadership of the church.

5-The church shall spread unity, love and peace in British Columbia and beyond 

Article (3) Statements of Faith 

The South Sudan Christians Fellowship shall absolutely affirm and subscribe to the following Statement of Faith, this article is unalterable.

1-There is only one living and True God (Isaiah 44:6.Deut, 6:4-5}, who is infinitely perfect (Mathew 5:48)(Deuteronomy  32:4},existing eternally in three person: Father, Son and Holy Ghost ( Mathew 3:16-17}28:19}

2-Jesus Christ is true God and true man {Phil 2:6-11; Hebrew 2:14-18; Col.2:9} He was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary {Mathew 1:18; Lk.1:35 .He died upon the cross, as the only sacrifice and ransom for sin. {1Peter 3:18} and all those who believe in him are justified on the ground of His shed blood .He rose from the dead according to the Scripture {1cor.15:3-5;} 1John2:2 Acts 13:39} .He is now at the right hand of God on high as our great High priest{Heb.4:14-15; 9:24-28}.He will come again to establish his kingdom of righteousness and peace {Mathew 25:31-34;Acts 1:11}

3-The Holy Ghost is a divine power, sent to indwell {John.14:16-17}, guide, teach and empower believers, and to convince the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement {John 16:7-11:1Cor.2:10-12}

4-The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of mankind. They constitute the divine and the only rule of Christians faith and practice {2Tim. 3:16:2 Peter 1:20-21}.

5-Humankind, originally created in the image and likeness of God {Gen1:27}, fell through disobedience, {incurring} {bring upon oneself} thereby both physical and spiritual death. All people are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ {Roman 8:8; 1John 2:2} The destiny of the {impenitent}{unrepentant} and unbelieving is existence in every lasting torment , but that of the believer is everlasting joy and happiness :{Mathew 25:41-46} .2Thess 1:7-10} 

6-Salvation has been provided only through Jesus Christ. Those who repent and believe in Him are united with Christ through the Holy Ghost and are thereby regenerated {born again},justified , sanctified and granted the gift of the internal life as adopted children of God{Titus 3:5-7;Acts 2:38, John 1:12; 1cor 6:11}

7-the second coming of the lord Jesus will be personal and visible {1Thess.4:17}.As the believers blessed hope, {intrinsic } (belonging naturally} truth demands a holy living , dedication and sacrificial service toward the completion of Christ’s commission {1cor.1:7,Titus 2:11-14;Mathew 24:14;28:18-20}

8-Ther shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and of the unjust; the just will resurrect unto life {1cor 15:20-23}; the unjust will resurrect to judgement {2Thess1:7-10}

9-It is the will of God that in Christ each believer should be sanctified 1Thess 5:23} thereby being separated from sin and the world fully dedicated to God , receiving Power for holy living and sacrificial and effective service toward the completion of Christ’s {Acts1:8}. this is accomplished through being filled with the Holy Ghost. Which is both a {distinct} recognizable} even and progressive experience in the life of the believer {Roman 12:1-2:Gal.5:16-25}

10-Provision is made in the redemptive sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ for the healing of the body. prayer for the sick and anointing with oil as taught in the scriptures are duties of the church {Mathew8:16-17;James 5:13-16}

11-The universal church ,of which Christ is the head , consists of all those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ .are redeemed through His blood , regenerated by the Holy Ghost , and commissioned by Christ to go into all the world as witnesses , preaching the gospel to all nation {Ephes.3:6-12;1:22-23}.The church is the body of believer’s in Christ who are joined together to worship God ,to observe the ordinances of baptism and the lord Supper, to pray, and to testify in word and deed to the good news of salvation both locally and globally. the church enters into relationship, with other churches for fellowship, accountability, l encouragement and mission {Acts2:41-47; Hebrew 10:25;Mathew 28:19-20 Acts 1:8;11:19-30} 

12-We believe that Christian baptism is the Emersion of a believer .in the name of Jesus Christ, as a sign of his/her solemn faith and fellowship with the death and resurrection of Christ , for the remission of sin , and of giving himself/herself up to God to live and walk in newness of life :Mathew 3:16; John 3:23;Acts 8:36-39 Rom,6:3-5;Col.2:12}.Baptism shall be pre-requisite to membership in this church and to participation in the lord’s Supper.

13-We believe that the Lord Supper or Holy Communion is the commemoration of His death until He comes, and should be preceded always by solemn self-examination. Meet {1cor, 11:23-28}

14-We believe that God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime until death parts them. God hates divorce. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church, through marriage and to provide for husband and wife, as one flesh, the framework for intimate companionship and the means for procreation of the human race. Children From the movement of conception are a blessing and heritage from the lord .parents are to demonstrate to their children, God’s pattern for marriage, to teach them spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. It is duty of children to honour and obey their parents {Gen 1:26-28;2:18-25;Ex.20:12;Ps.127:3; prov.1:8;5:15-20;5:20-22;12;4;13:24;17:6 18:22;22:6;15;23:13-14;29:15,17;Mal.2:14-16;Mathew.5:31-32;19:3-9.Mark.10:6-12; Cor.7:1-16;Ep.5:21-33;6:1-4Col3:18-21;Heb13:4; 1 Pet3:1-7} 

15-We believe that it is the obligation of all Church members to witness by deed and to these truths stated above. we are ambassadors of Christ and it is our duty to proclaim the Gospel to the entire World . We believe it is impossible to be loyal to Christ without active participation in the spread of the Gospel to lost humanity everywhere .We believe that obedience to the missionary mandate of Christ require study, intercessory prayer, fasting and the consecrations of our time, talents, and resources {Acts 1:8:Mathew 28:20;Mk.16:15-16; 2Cor.5:20; Roman 10:14-15},

B-Announce the events of the Church {e.g. Weddings)

The Assistant Pastor shall:

Fall second in the echelon of the Church.

2-Assist Pastor in administration’s and activities of the Church 

3-In consultation with Pastor Fellow up the work of the Church

4-Take full responsibility towards the Church in case the Pastor is absent or temporarily disabled

C- Secretary General 

The secretary general shall perform the following duties:

1-Be in charge of the legal and constitutional affairs of the Church.

2-Be in the custodian of the official documents of the Church

3-take minutes of all the meetings

4-Announce programs of the church 

D-In addition to the above duties, the Church officers has spiritual, administrative, and moral obligation in accordance with scripture and shall exercise the following duties:

1-Exercise full responsibility towards the spiritual growth of itis member

2-Accept new members to the Church, who unless otherwise testifies Jesus to be his /her saviour and must be witnessed either by the Pastor of the Church or his assistant or both.

2- Organize Church activities such as:

i Sunday Worship

Ii-Revival programs

Iii-Bible Study


Outreach Ministries {home-meetings, hospitals, and prison visitation, etc. 

Vi-Prayer and Fasting 


Viii-Choir practice Ix-Gospel musical concert

Article (4) the objectives of the Order shall be carried out without purpose of gain for Itis members, and any profits or other accretions to Order shall be used for promoting the purposes of the Order. This provision is unalterable.